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  • states that injury is harm or damage that is done or sustained. 

  • High school athletes account for an estimated 2 million injuries, about 500,000 doctors visits, and 20,000 hospitalizations each year. 

  • Injuries associated with participation in sports and recreational activities account for 21 percent of all traumatic brain injuries among children in the United States.    


 Sports Injuries-​

  • Sports injuries are injuries that occur when engaging in sports or exercise. These injuries can occur due to overtraining, lack of conditioning, and improper form or technique. Failing to warm up increases the risk of sports injuries. 

  • Muscle strain, or more commonly known as a pulled muscle, occurs when a muscle is overstretched and tears. Symptoms of a pulled muscle may include pain, swelling, weakness, and difficulty or inability to use the muscle. Muscles in the quadriceps, calves, hamstrings, groin, lower back, and shoulder are the most common sites for pulled muscles.

  • The anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) helps hold the knee joint together and provides stability. A torn ACL is a sports injury that may occur when landing the wrong way, changing direction or stopping quickly, or from a direct blow to the knee. People who suffer a torn ACL may hear a pop and then feel their knee no longer functions. Pain, swelling, and loss of range of motion are symptoms of a torn ACL. 

  • The medial collateral ligament (MCL) connects the upper leg bone (femur) to the larger bone of the lower leg (tibia). It is located on the inner side of the knee. The MCL is typically injured when the knee joint is pushed sideways when making a wrong move or by receiving a direct blow to the knee. A torn MCL results in pain, swelling, and instability of the joint.

  • A concussion is a traumatic brain injury (TBI) that occurs when you sustain a blow to the head or a violent shaking of the head and body. A direct hit to the head or body may cause a concussion. People who engage in contact sports like football are at increased risk for concussions. The symptoms often include headache, loss of consciousness, memory loss, sleepiness, nausea, vomiting, and more.

  • These injuries are all examples of injury caused by sports, known as sports injuries. 

Injury rates - 

  • More than 775,000 children, ages 14 and younger, are treated in hospital emergency rooms for sports-related injuries each year. Most of the injuries occurred as a result of falls, being struck by an object, collisions, and overexertion during unorganized or informal sports activities.

  • Sports and recreational activities contribute to approximately 21 percent of all traumatic brain injuries among American children.

  • Although death from a sports injury is rare, the leading cause of death from a sports-related injury is a brain injury.




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